The truck will be making an appearance in your neighborhood soon for DONATION DAYS!
I know it's tough when you're strapped for cash, so you wrangle up as much " cute " stuff as possible from your closet and head to the local Buffalo Exchange, Crossroads, or in some cases Wasteland just to get there and find that they look at your favorite dress ( that you didn't really want to sell, but thought it was so cute they'd have to buy it ) and they pass because it's vintage and has some stains on it, it can be pretty disearning.
The truck would love and appreciate any item you would like to donate.
We're looking for those baseball shirts and caps you wore in elementary school and have stashed away somewhere in your closet. Funky sweaters, sweatshirts, even old beat up shoes! If we really like your stuff we can help eachother out. We welcome exchanges and we love to trade!
If you can't wait for DONATION DAYS! then you can contact us here and we can set up a time for drop-off.
I would donate, but all my old stuff seems to have strangely disappeared.